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n. Science - [from Latin scientia from scire to know] A branch of knowledge based on objectivity and involving observation and experimentation.

n. Technology - The application of knowledge to meet the goals, goods, and services desired by people.

GoldStork vaults in Science and Technology:

Go on, treat your PC to some new software
see all GoldStork vault listingsscience and technology > Software
Have your Windows or Linux virtual server for under £200/year!
see all GoldStork vault listingsscience and technology > Hardware
What is What Technology Questions and Answers
What is What?!
Baffled by jargon? What-Is-What gives you easy answers to everyday questions. We define words, acronyms, ideas, products, and software. While we may have a computer-related and open-source slant, we will try to answer almost any common question. What-Is-What could replace your dictionary, your encyclopedia, and your mechanic. Our aim is to provide simple, informative answers that don't require a degree in Computer Science to understand.
see all GoldStork vault listingsscience and technology > What-Is-What
Nerd Arts
Nerd Arts
It says it all on the tin. Nerd Arts - Machinima, Chiptune, Ludology, Hacks, Creative Commons, Mashups, Video Games, Nerdcore Hip Hop, 8 bit Paintings, and Internet Phenomenon are all part of a new form of nerd art which seeks to reinterpret digital media so it can be seen in a new and unique matter.
see all GoldStork vault listingsscience and technology > Nerd Arts
New Scientist
New Scientist Magazine
If you are interested in science and technology then a great place to keep abreast of issues and the latest developments is New Scientist. Enthrall your dinner guests!
see all GoldStork vault listingsscience and technology > New Scientist
The Journal of Life Sciences
The Journal of Life Sciences
Tjols examines the intersection between the life sciences and business, politics and society.
see all GoldStork vault listingsscience and technology > The Journal of Life Sciences
rent a domain
Rent your own funny email address or website domain
Fed up with having a boring email address or a google, yahoo or hotmail account with a rubbish username. Or just fed up having your email blocked or ignored because it is from a free account? Well know you need not suffer anymore, you can Rent an email address or website domain, for a tiny monthly fee.
see all GoldStork vault listingsscience and technology > RentAUrl

Science and Technology

In its widest sense formulated knowledge, a knowledge of structure, laws, and operations. The unity of human knowledge may be artificially divided into religion, philosophy, and science. Science and philosophy, as presently understood, have in common the quality of being speculative, as opposed to religion, which in the West is supposed to be founded merely on faith and moral sentiments. The present distinction between science and philosophy lies largely in their respective fields of speculation. What is known as modern science investigates the phenomena of physical nature and by inferential reasoning formulates general laws therefrom. Its method is called inductive and its data are so-called facts -- i.e., sensory observations; whereas deductive philosophy starts from axioms. Yet a scientist, in order to reason from his data at all, must necessarily use both induction and deduction.

Modern science has limited its field of study to the laws of physical nature; but in the 20th century the illusive and entirely phenomenal nature of matter and energy, formerly assumed to be eternal and indestructible, is better realized by scientists who have traced the chain of physical causation to a point beyond physical limits altogether and admit that the physical world consists of phenomena occurring in an ultraphysical substance.

In modern sciences dealing with biology, evolution, and anthropology, legitimate inference from facts has been much interfered with by preconceived ideas. Modern science suffers from its failure to see the necessity of postulating an astral or formative world behind the physical, this astral world being in itself but one stage in a rising scale or ladder of invisible worlds. To ascertain the facts upon which to build a true inductive system, we must admit the existence in man of means of direct perception other than those afforded by the physical senses.